Citizens for Sound Money

Sound Money Leadership Award Profiles Part I

C4SM would like to highlight all of the Sound Money Leadership Award nominees for their contributions to sound money and sound markets. Keep an eye out for updates and don’t forget to . To see the full list of nominees, click here.

Nominee: Chris Marcus, Arcadia Economics

Twitter: @ArcadiaEconomic

YouTube: Arcadia Economics

Chris Marcus has been a sound money advocate for over a decade. Once a Wall Street trader himself, Chris got a first-hand look at the underbelly of our banking and trading system. Since he left that job, he has been sounding the alarm about impending problems we are now seeing come to fruition. He also authored a book with many titans of precious metals investing and analysis. It’s called The Big Silver Short and can be purchased here.

Nominee: Craig Hemke/Turd Ferguson, TF Metals Report

Twitter: @TFMetals

YouTube: TF Metals Report

Turd Furguson, who sometimes goes by Craig Hemke spent nearly 20 years as a licensed securities “professional” (emphasis his). Similar to others on this list, Craig became disenchanted with financial services, which he calls a “fraud.” He retired in 2008 to pursue what he calls being a “serial entrepreneur”. Over the years, Craig has developed almost a sixth sense about the precious metals markets and factors at play and spends his time fighting for the “end of the Great Keynesian Experiment“.

Nominee: Rob Keintz, GoldSilverPros

Twitter: @goldsilver_pros

YouTube: GoldSilver Pros

Rob’s background includes a Master’s in Information Security and 18 years experience as a real estate investor. He brings a unique and strong voice to market analysis and has had his work featured on Yahoo Finance, Market Watch,, Seeking Alpha, Talk Markets, Stockhouse, Mining Feeds, APMEX, GoldSeek, Financial Sense, Technically Speaking, and Silver Doctors, among others. Rob is also an author, releasing Drop Shadow: The Truth about the Economy in 2010. You can purchase here.

1 Comment

  1. I think I missed the Poll on this but all are superb and worthy candidates, who I admire for their intellect and devotion to cause of enlightening us all, and who have inspired me personally to take up the challenge of promoting silver as God’s sound money, and to devote my formative years to spreading the word in which ever ways I can.

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