C4SM would like to highlight all of the Sound Money Leadership Award nominees for their contributions to sound money and sound markets. Keep an eye out for updates and don’t forget to .
Nominee: Gold Ventures
Twitter: @TheLastDegree
GV is another mysterious “keyboard warrior” who prefers their anonymity online. According to goldventures.org, GV is not a professional trader and their Twitter account identifies them as “retired”. They are intense about their Due Diligence and make data-driven decisions on when to hold and when to sell precious metals. GV’s work made them a high percentage of returns when following the last silver surge in 2011. They stayed out of trading in the silver market until April of 2019 to “trade the biggest Silver bull market of all time”. Gold Ventures shares their knowledge and data frequently on their Twitter account and website. And we all hope GV is right again!

Nominee: Luke Gromen, founder & president, Forest For the Trees, LLC
Twitter: @LukeGromen
Luke has been a research wonk since he began his career back in the mid-1990s. He founded his current company–FFTT–in 2014 which provides macroeconomic data and research to individuals and corporations. FFTT takes a unique approach to identifying what they call “economic bottlenecks” in order to assist their clients in market navigation. Luke is also heavily involved in education through his own courses and outreach on investment media such as Palisades Gold Radio, The Investors Podcast, and MacroVoices, among others.

Nominee: John Adams, Adams Economics
Twitter: @adamseconomics
John has recently been one of the boldest voices regarding the success of the #silversqueeze, exposing the quickly emptying vaults of the COMEX and Perth Mint. He also came under fire for pushing Kitco customers to stand for delivery as well. He is unflinching in his declarations of truth regarding the manipulation of markets and the coming economic consequences. Besides running Adams Economics and serving as a commentator on all things economic on various news outlet, John is the Chief Economist at Good as Gold Australia. Somehow in his spare time, John is also an accomplished chess player and has represented the Australian Chess Federation abroad.