C4SM would like to highlight all of the Sound Money Leadership Award nominees for their contributions to sound money and sound markets. Keep an eye out for updates and don’t forget to . To see the full list of nominees, click here.
Nominee: Andrew Maguire, Director,
*Link is C4SM’s referral code for Kinesis Money
Twitter: @AndrewMaguire1
Andrew has been a soothsayer of sorts for the metals markets for over 40 years. His knowledge and experience has led to innovations that are changing banking as we know it in the 21st century. Andrew’s work at Kinesis toward public/private partnerships helped lead to Lichtenstein passing some of the most crypto- and sound money-friendly legislation anywhere in the world currently. Andrew’s energy gives us the impression that he’s got another 40 years of sound money innovation still to come!

Nominee: Max Keiser, Keiser Report
Twitter: @MaxKeiser
YouTube: RT Keiser Report
Max has established himself as not only a quality journalist, but as a personality in media that is not afraid to question the pushed narrative. Since 2009, he has hosted The Keiser Report on RT. According to his Wikipedia page, Max “labeled JPMorgan Chase ‘the biggest financial terrorist on Wall Street’ in relation to their alleged manipulation of the price of silver’. He’s definitely one of us.

Nominee: The Happy Hawaiian
Twitter: @ThHappyHawaiian
Reddit: u/TheHappyHawaiian
The Happy Hawaiian embodies the spirit of this movement in so many ways. He–they?–fiercely protects their anonymity. They first made a name for themself as an OG keyboard warrior on r/wallstreetbets. THH’s original DD (due diligence) post regarding silver shorts is often credited with kicking of the #silversqueeze. Their legend status was solidified in r/wallstreetsilver and beyond when the post was actually censored by WSB mods at the time. THH’s insights and DD, shared on Twitter and Reddit frequently, have provided invaluable foundation and credibility to the #silversqueeze and sound money movement.